can you light my love? flames glowing bright as the sun, deeper than oceans you run. watch as our world has begun; your mind is a stream of colors, extending beyond our sky, a land of infinite wonders a billion lightyears from here now. whoa, light my love. whoa, light my love.

  •   name    savaria moonstone.

  •   alias    songstress.

  •   age    27.

  •   pronouns    she/her.

  •   species    hyur/hume.

  •   birthdate    7/15.

  •   sexuality    bisexual.

  •   origin    the shroud.

  •   location    fallgourd float.

  •   class(es)    bard.

  •   height    5'2"

  •   weight    115.

  •   eyes    emerald.

  •   hair    platinum/medium.

  •   parents    deceased.

  •   siblings    deceased.

  ㅤpersonality   ㅤ savaria is the middle child of 5, born into a lower class family in Fallgourd Float made of merchants and bards, she taught herself at a young age that without a sense of perfection, she will not succeed, nor would anyone care for her. driven by this terror of being less than absolute, she's devoted herself to sharpening her tongue, knowing that's what she's best at. her talent for instruments was unparalleled, just as her aim is with a bow. she holds a rather spoiled attitude, haughty and insanely proud, which softens over the course of her time with the scions and the warrior of light.



savaria is the middle child of 5, born into a lower class family in Fallgourd Float made of merchants and bards, she taught herself at a young age that without a sense of perfection, she will not succeed, nor would anyone care for her. driven by this terror of being less than absolute, she's devoted herself to sharpening her tongue, knowing that's what she's best at. her talent for instruments was unparalleled, just as her aim is with a bow. she holds a rather spoiled attitude, haughty and insanely proud, which softens over the course of her time with the scions and the warrior of light.

before . . .

At the age of ten, tragedy struck when her home was invaded by imperial forces, setting her village ablaze outside of the main settlement of Fallgourd. Her father, as well as her two youngest brothers were caught in the destruction and lost, while her mother and oldest siblings were never seen again, assumed to be lost to the flames as well.

a realm reborn

A star in her own right, savaria travels across eorzea as a performer, singing and playing her instruments to captivate her audience. Such notoriety has changed her as a person, and she’s spent the last few years distancing herself from the small life she once had in her past. She has no family left, other than the archers guild leader, Luciane, who, after the death and disappearance of her family, had taken her under her wing and taught her everything she knows. With such skills, she aligns herself with the scions, not telling them that the reason was to take tales of their adventures and profit off of them as songs and stories to spin of her own, unbeknownst to her companions.


After arriving in Ishgard, savaria has settled in with the scions a bit easier, now following what is left after the betrayal in Ul’Dah. Her skills with her bow help against the Dravanian horde, and their fight to end the dragonsong war. She had grown close to both Ysale and Haurchefant, and both their losses affected her greatly, which in turn brought her closer to the twins, as well as the Warrior of Light, whom she had learned a great deal of respect for in their time together. After gaining their friend Estinien back from the control of Nidhogg, she decided from that point that not only did the scions need her help, but so did eorzea, and that the nations needed her help far more than she needed theirs. Soon enough, she faces the warriors of darkness with the others, and after learning of their fate, as well as Minfilia’s, she understands exactly what’s at stake, and agrees to travel with them to Gyr Abania with her friends to help where she can, along with the newly revealed Lyse.


Her path deviates from the main group, as during the attack in Rhalger’s Reach, an unknown soldier manages to overpower her and take her away, and she awakens in an unknown room, only to find the soldier was her mother, who, along with her older brother and sister, had faked their deaths, joining the imperial legion all those years ago. They had since become high ranking officials, commanding respect in their ranks, her own mother now a general to be both feared and respected in the empire. Instead of causing Savaria any harm, she only wishes to spend time with her, to use it with the daughter she lost. Myra, her mother, wants to share her station with Savaria, and indoctrinate her into the empire with her and her siblings. For a time, Savaria actually considered it; she was given her family back, and offered the life she had only ever dreamed about having again, so the idea tempted her greatly. However, the idea of abandoning her new friends, the family she had found, and the idea of turning against the people she loved, was enough to keep her mind straight and refuse her. Understanding that they would never truly be a family again, her mother, and her siblings, Adonis and Rosewynn, turn against her in a final fight. The battle is nearly lost, until she finds the strength to triumph, nearly costing her own life in the process. The Warrior of Light and the Scions find her after, half dead and struggling to move. Though nearly gone, she’s grateful for them, knowing that if they hadn’t of found her, she would be gone, just like her family.


Barely any time after starting her healing procedures, Savaria, along with the other Scions, finds herself in a strange land, consumed by light, and a never ending day. while only a short time for the warrior of light, three years pass for her, most of which is spent in Il Mheg, along with the fae folk. They enjoyed her music and storytelling, allowing her to stay with them while in the First. When the WOL arrives, she, along with the scions return together to fight off the light, and save the First from the rejoining. After the truth is revealed, she devotes her life to the warrior of light and their cause, promising to fight beyond any means necessary. Once they return to the source, she stays with Tataru and Krille to help them make passage to Sharlayan.


Now bound for the great city of Old Sharlayan, Savaria along with the others, fight to stop the upcoming final days. She sees the horrors of war first hand while in Garlemald, and faces another when she sees the WOL possessed by Zenos himself. Newfound anger fills her, knowing exactly what is at stake. When the time comes, she stands with the scions to defend Radz at Han, saving all who she can before the night ends. It takes a toll on many, but she’s there to get them through it the best she can. Soon enough when it’s time to face the Endsinger, Savaria is the third to sacrifice herself so the WOL may continue forward. She’s faced with a reflection of herself, a prideful soul, torn on its destination. She knows the pain it feels, and helps it move on, creating a path to move ahead. When brought back by the convocation crystal, she helps the WOL fight the Endsinger, saving the world from certain doom. Now after the threat has passed, she can be found in Old Sharlayan, learning from the different students, wanting to broaden her horizons after the events that have passed. Now she awaits for the next adventure, which is certainly on the way.


to be added!